June 1, 2024

Discounts and free stuff for you

I know you have been dying to read my novel Suburban Moon. Here is what I am going to do to make that happen. Starting today, the kindle version will be a mere $1.99. You can’t hardly even get a Snickers bar for that price, and my book will last a lot longer than a mouthful of peanuts, nougat, and chocolate.

I didn’t say it was as good as a Snickers bar, I said it will take you longer to consume. 

You can even get a FREE kindle reader for your tablet or computer if you need one. How is that for a deal?

Hey, if you take advantage of this deal, or maybe already read the piece o’ crap book, leave me an honest review over there at Amazon, okay?

What? You want further incentive? Here is a music video. 

There you go.

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