June 10, 2024

If this is the best I can do on a Monday it will be a long week

June 2024

Today it is expected to be chilly for a Monday in June. I’m not worried, regular summer heat is forecasted to arrive my mid-week along with lots of sun. 

The day lilies along my patio sure do not mind the weather. I snapped this picture yesterday while I was relaxing with a nice cigar on the patio. 

We had a good weekend, I cooked up a birthday dinner for the wife Saturday. Sunday we went to have a steak at Texas Roadhouse. We used a gift certificate sent by the oldest boy for his mom’s birthday. 

Work entered my head early this morning and I couldn’t get back to sleep. So here I am typing boring drivel for you in order to avoid firing up the laptop at 5:30 am. The good thing is I have a weekly afternoon meeting with my boss on Monday afternoon, so I will not have to fight the urge to fall asleep at my desk this afternoon!

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