June 30, 2024

Lucky man

Today marks my 40th wedding anniversary. 

When the minister there at the Methodist Church said “forever” I didn’t know he meant this long..,

My wife doesn’t find that joke amusing. 

Seriously, I’m lucky that I married my best friend. We have way more ups than downs, and contrary to several advice columns, I don’t feel like I have had to work at my Marriage much. Mostly, we save our infrequent arguments for stuff that is really important and let the minor stuff slide. After all, tomorrow is a new day.

Let me be clear, I know without a doubt, I am far more difficult to live with. The real me isn’t so different than blog me. Unfortunately.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations. June 28 would have been my 39th anniversary. Must be a theme -my husband was more difficult to live with too.

Jean said...


glasslass said...


Ruby has been associated with love, passion, protection, and prosperity and is the symbol for the 40th wedding anniversary.

Cappy said...


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