June 17, 2024

Start me up

I had a great Father’s Day. My boys called me up to wish me a happy day. My daughter made a great dinner with steak and spuds. Desert was peach cobbler - she knows I love peaches. In fact, the wife took me for ice cream in the afternoon and I had…peach ice cream! 

In other news the Cubs are sucking these days. It’s not a new thing, they’ve been bad for most of my life. I don’t expect them to win a World Series every year. Actually averaging more than three hits a game would be nice. 

It is going to be hot this week. Temps are forecasted for the  90s with high humidity. The weather people want to panic. I opine it is summer. 

Since I regularly comment on the weather when I have nothing to write about (most days) a perusal of the old blog for June of most years will show entries complaining about the heat. 

So it goes. 

I have a conference call with some people in Germany. Gotta go. Have a good Monday.

1 comment:

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

The Cubs WS win in 2016 was proof that you can, in fact, pay for a team good enough to win the WS. Unfortunately the Ricketts family was only interested in paying for one year of that.

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