June 8, 2024

You'll find a woman, yeah, and you'll find love

 The morning sky is hues of pink and lavender as the rising sun pushes back the darkness. It is a chilly start to this Saturday. Today marks the wife’s redacted birthday. I’m sure it will rain for a bit sometime during the day. It always seems to rain on her birthday. 🎂 

My daughter and her family are coming over for dinner. They are bringing cake,. I’m making my famous lasagne. Kid number 3 has to work and kid number two is in Colorado. The wife is always thrilled to see any of her children and grandchildren. Even if she sees or talks to them nearly every day. 

A squirrel and a rabbit are both munching grass and weeds in the front yard, each seemingly unaware of the other. I’ve no doubt the chipmunk is eyeing both skeptically from the shelter of the flower bed. It is a veritable rodent zoo around here. 

Enjoy your Saturday.

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