June 26, 2024

Zero dark thirty

 I woke up at 4:00 again this morning. I’m getting a little tired of it. It is like my body has adjusted to a new, most unpleasant schedule. It isn’t like I’m going to bed earlier either. For much of my life I operated on 4 or 5 hours of sleep. For the past decade or so I have done much better; around seven hours a night. I’ve popped awake between four o’clock and five o’clock nearly every day the past three weeks. What do you do? The downside is I fight the urge to dose in the afternoon. 

In the other hand, this early rising gives me a topic to blog about. Anyone who has read this piece o’crap blog for long knows I really like to complain. Complaining may be my one true skill set. 

Have a great whatever day of the week this is.


Cappy said...

My mom threatened that she's give me something to cry about.

Then she introduced me to the vi editor.

slugmama said...

We've all got shit to complain about after a certain age. I have problems getting to sleep but once I'm out, I'm out. I average about 5 to 6 hours a night too. Maybe it comes with being older. I don't know but I did stay at a Holiday Inn once. ;-)

Jean said...

It's Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

I sleep about 3.5 - 4 hours on weekdays but doze off during the afternoon right after I have supper. Damn chairs - sit down and 5 minutes later - ZZZZZ. About an hour or so, then I get up to go feed the cows (too damn hot to go right after supper !) and then finish up the evening.

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