July 30, 2024

For thee, but not for me.

So Biden thinks we need term limits for SCOTIS? Funny how that was never an issue when liberals were the majority, isn’t it? 

Since term limits are the bomb these days, will Biden call for term limits in Congress? I mean if 18 years is enough, then…

I know, my side hurts from laughing. 

Oh, Biden nor Congress can make term limits a thing for the Supreme Court. It will take a Constitutional Amendment. You see, in case you didn’t study civics in school, the Court, Congress, and Executive branches are Co-equal. 

Besides, one would think, even for someone who graduated in the lower half of law school and who served his entire adult life in the service of the government., Biden would have a basic understanding of the constitution. 


glasslass said...

You would think that Joe had some smattering of that info and that his VP of the supposed Indian/Black women who is cackling her way onto the American stage now. But you and all your readers seem to have more info then they exhibit. And a Constitutional Convention Joe wants prior to an election? I'll be rooting for your Joe.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Why would you think that of Old Joe? The democrats haven't paid anything but lip service to the Constitution for half a century.

Cappy said...

Fuzzy - Nobody does lip service better than Kamala!

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