July 19, 2024

I got ketchup on my blue jeans, I just burnt my hand

I have not written anything for my new novel in months. I am about 1/3 done. I have the last 1/3 written in my head. It is the middle stuff I’m struggling with. 

I opened the file this week and am re-reading what I’ve written so far, editing a little as I go. Most of it I like. Some sections  I think are above average, certainly better than my first book. It is more action, less navel gazing. 

I’m no closer to writing the next third than I was two or three months ago. Maybe I’ll write the WWII section and fill in other chapters later. I don’t know. I wanted to finish the thing by the end of June. That was my goal when I started writing. Now I don’t know if it will be done by the end of the year. Maybe never. 

But it is Friday. That is the good news. 

You know what we need? Some Friday music. 

1 comment:

Cappy said...

WW2 section spoiler alert: We win then buy their cars.

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