July 7, 2024

Making the most of it

Stranglehold is playing on my spy speaker this morning. I dig some Ted guitar, but it is somewhat jarring at six in the morning. Don’t get me wrong, back in the day I did plenty of rocking in the early morning hours. Mostly I was still up. That was long ago.

We went out for dinner with my daughter and her family last evening. The grand girls hugged my wife like crazy. I think they were glad to see me too. The wife has provided day care for both since they were born. 

The youngest starts kindergarten next month. The wife is going to be lost. She will still watch them after school, but it is not the same as having them here all day. 

Yes, I’m going to miss having a little one here too. Those girls saved my life when I was really down a few years ago. They kept me going. That and a lot of praying. 

We are off to a rare Sunday pool day at our friend’s house this afternoon. It will be a fitting end to what has been a great vacation. Then it is back to work. More emails and issues than I care to think about await my attention. 

Now I have to go pack up some stogies and get some ice for the cooler. Life is rough. 


Cappy said...

4 year old grandson mooned Mentor Headlands Beach on the 4th of July.

I don't know where he gets it.

Anonymous said...

Good for him — show those snobs what’s what


Anonymous said...

Funny how the kids end up being what saves us, huh?


Linda said...

I can imagine your wife's feelings are akin to sending my second one off to school. I felt lost.

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