July 16, 2024

Nary a word about the weather

Are you kidding me? Is really only Tuesday? I swear I thought it was Thursday already. But then if it was Thursday, I would have to sit through a two hour on line monthly sales meeting this afternoon, so I do get to escape that torture for a couple of more days. 

There was lots of Trump talk throughout interwebz the past few days. Many expressed opinions far better than I ever could. I will say this, if you think the whole thing was staged you are an idiot. I’m surprised you don’t need written instructions telling you to breathe in and out. 

Am I the only one who sees the coverage change slightly. Sunday there was a lot of questions on “how could this happen?” Now you are seeing less condemnation of the Secret Service already. I don’t care. I’m no gunnan. I never served in the military. Not covering the most obvious shooting site is incompetence at best. 

Yes, back in the day I could put all of my shots into a two inch circle at 150 yards. But I never took a shot under duress and my target wasn’t moving. I bet yours wasn’t either. Trump is a lucky man. Trump is alive only through a turn of his head, a gust of wind, the hand of God. Maybe all three. 

When Democrats and the press spend eight years saying Trump is evil, a danger to democracy, and must be stopped, then no one should be surprised when some nut takes the message seriously. How did this happen? Look in the mirror.


Cappy said...

Boy, after the Florida case toss the gloats and sneers just write themselves.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

If you don't talk about the weather, I have to get out of bed to look out the window. Jeez.

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