July 28, 2024

Quand a’ Paris

 The Olympics have started and there has been significant electronic ink spilled over the drag queen opening ceremony. Rightly so. Further, the coverage from NBC leaves a bit to be desired so far. I suppose it is merely old guy grousing, but what does Snoop Dog know about sports and why is he sucking up so much air time? 

Anyway, for the opening ceremonies, I turned it off. The boat parade was boring and thankfully I missed the disgusting drag show and Last Supper mockery. 

I am reminded of a joke a German buddy once told me. Why are there trees along the Camp d’Elysee’? German soldiers prefer to march in the shade. 

Somewhere in the archives there  are several posts about my first visit to France. Perhaps I will repost some of them in the coming days. 

Anyway, no one should be surprised by the leftist French hatred of the church and Christianity. I’ve said it here many times, if you want history to be a guide, then there is no better way to understand the leftist vision than to study the French Revolution. The very term “leftist” originated in that event. What the progressives wanted then is what they want now, and make no mistake, there are those in the fringe who would have no qualms at all about murdering you and I to get their utopia. 

I guarantee more than one of your neighbors secretly wishes that assassin had been a little more accurate in Pennsylvania a couple of weeks ago. They don’t have the courage to say it out loud. It is an indication of how much they hate people like me and what I believe. 

*Of course, in fairness, there were a lot of drivers in the French Revolution. One of them was the massive debt the government incurred loaning money, troops, and war materials to some rebelling colonies in the New World. When the political class started demanding changes, it was the radicals who took things way too far. So we Americans can be a bit to blame for what happened. Plus, two of the leaders in the early days of the French Revolution cut their teeth in the American War — Thomas Paine and The Marquis de Lafayette. 

**I could fill the rest of my days of this blog writing about the history of the French Revolution. Years could not do it justice. I don’t have the will to do that much research and you certainly do not have the desire to read about it. 

***The winners write the history, but Napoleon wasn’t attempting to take over the world as he is often portrayed. The idea that France overthrew the monarchy scared the bejesus out of Europe and succeeding nations declared war on France plus France was already fighting Austria when the revolution started. 


Ed Bonderenka said...

England might have had a similar Revolution had it not been for Christian Religious Revival that changed hearts and lives.
The Left tried to overturn our own revolution (the French influence, Citizen Genet, etc,) and substitute Democracy for our Constitutional Republic.
They still are.

Anonymous said...

Had nothing to do with the "Last Supper" so stop clutching your pearls, Joe. Educate yourself, how about?

The headless woman was Marie Antoinette. She ruled over France and was found guilty of treason, conspiracy, and stealing from the country.

Also, it was not the Last Supper. It was a depiction of an ancient Greek Bacchanal… because, you know, the Olympics are ancient and Greek. Surprise! ๐Ÿ™€
And if you didn’t know, a Bacchanalia is an uncontrollably promiscuous, extravagant, and loud party. The parties often spanned several days which honored the god of wine, Bacchus (the blue guy covered in grape vine). He is also known as Dionysus, the Greek god of fertility, later known as the god of wine and pleasure. ๐Ÿท
And finally, it was not Death on a pale horse. It was Sequana, Goddess of the Seine, the River in which the boat precession took place. She was meant to be the representation of the Olympic spirit and of Sequana. ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Anonymous said...

The Last Supper mockery was inappropriate and disgusting. Period.


Anonymous said...

No emojis necessary.


Anonymous said...

It might have represented a Baccanalia, but the actors took purposeful poses to look like Davinci’s mural of the Last Supper in Milan.

I’m pretty sure I didn’t say anything about The horse or headless queens, but okay.

I know the charges against the Royals, that doesn’t mean they were trumped up. I suppose you believe the supposed quote about cake too?

And I doubt I need a lecture on ancient history since it was my major in college.

I am happy to discuss the Greeks and Romans and even the French Revolution. You see, I have knowledge that extends beyond reading an article on Wikipedia. Do you?

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