August 5, 2024

Don’t speak

I’m up early this fine Monday morning. I don’t know why and it does not really matter. I’m up and that is the way it is. 

It is back to work after an uneventful weekend. Friday evening we watched the grandgirls while their parents went to a concert. We went to so friends house on Saturday for a great afternoon and evening. Yesterday I mowed the yard. Yawn. I know. I woke up alive each morning, so there is that. 

It occurs to me, once again I’ve fallen prey to the long-gone (and forgotten by most of you) Acidman’s advice and attempted to blog on yet another day, when I should have heeded what my mother admonished— if you don’t have anything to say don’t say anything. 

I guess that is it. Have a great Monday.

Look at that, music released sometime within the past three decades. 


Rey B said...

Still remember Acidman. If someone remembers we aren't truly gone.

Cappy said...

I remember Acidman. His blogroll introduced me to many fine bloggers. What a great talent!

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