August 31, 2024

Not looking forward

What a sad thing this blog has become. Even a couple of years ago you got real posts, Now? I don’t know what this is. 

It looks like I’m heading back to China at the end of September. It will be a quick trip but necessary. I was sick for most of the time I was there this spring, so I hope this trip is better. I vow I will be able to manage chop sticks before I go this time. 

This will be my fifth visit to China I think. At this point the only foreign countries I’ve visited more are Canada (that hardly counts), Germany, and The Netherlands. I may have been to Mexico five times. I know four times for sure.  It’s been a while and I am not confident but I think I’ve been to Germany six times and around 10-12 to the Netherlands. 

Other than a couple of the trips to Mexico, the rest were all for business. 

Anyway I will arrive on.Thursday afternoon and leave on Sunday evening so it will be tough on the body to adjust to the change in time zone (12 hour difference) and the 18- 20 hour travel time each way. 

Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll complain about it some more before I leave.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Still, it has to be interesting.

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