August 10, 2024

On a sailing ship to nowhere, leaving any place,

 There is a distinct fall-like feel to the air this morning. The sky is clear, but chilly for August. The weather readers say the high will only be in the upper seventies.

The youngest granddaughter has her first soccer game of the fall league this morning and with temps in the sixties I might need a sweatshirt. 

I always have music playing in my head. Most of yesterday and last night it was this old favorite:

These days I wear headphones and listen to music while I mow the lawn. When I was a kid such a thing did not exist. I broke the tedium of mowing my grandma’s yard by “playing” music in my head and the intricate melodies and melodic structure of this song often kept me occupied. 

Yes, my memory was better in those days, not only could I play back long musical pieces in my head, I could recite whole pages of books I read. I remember pretty well now, but the filing cabinets in my brain are stuffed with so much worthless crap that it takes longer to get access to what I need! 

God blessed me with one gift: a better than average memory. My secret fear is that I will get a dementia type disease and it will all go away. Dementia and Alzheimer’s are the cruelest of diseases. I can think of nothing worse, mostly for my loved ones. 


glasslass said...

This is my 3rd go around. Aunt who raised me. Hubby, while fighting major health failing developed Alzheimer and now this friend. They have no comprehension awareness. His home is knee deep in weeds, the city has now cited the property and it will be $175 for 1 mowing. So I found a mower, much cheaper, and friend is ballistic. Let the city mow, HE! won't Pay!. Yeah, that's what I deal with on every item. I'm a big girl with the POA so I just say okay. And then pay the people I've hired. So no, you would not be aware. He thinks he is completely correct and we are all wrong. It's their world but they are the only ones who live there.
Had DNA health done and have no markers for Alzheimer. Yeah me!

Linda said...

I was blessed with a better than average memory, too. Dementia of any sort is my greatest fear. Neurologist said after talking to me for 30 minutes, he sees no signs of dementia. However, if I am tired or running a slight temperature, I have really bad recall. I am no longer the trivia champ I was. I can still spell well and know all the grammar and puncuation

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