August 1, 2024

Random stuff

 I once won 1,302 straight games of free cell. My current winning streak is 11. 

I once had a sales territory in excess of $35,000,000 per year. I am responsible for about $20 million in my current job. No, there is no commission. 

I have flown approximately 1,000 times in a commercial airplane. I have driven well over one million miles. I could not even guess at the number of nights I have spent in a hotel room.

I have been to 16 countries and 45 states. I am on my third passport.

I have stuck at least a hand into each of the Great Lakes. 

The first two times I was ever up in an airplane I jumped out. On purpose. With a parachute. I would go again. 

I love zip lining. The idea of bungee jumping terrifies me. 

I am very afraid of snakes. Spiders are a close second.

I am an Eagle Scout.

I wrote and published a novel. It is not great, but I did it.

The mascot of my high school was the Hot Dogs. Seriously. My college was Little Giants. Both are pretty dumb nicknames. 

My first car was a 1966 Chevy pickup truck. I paid $400 for it. 

The first “big” concert I attended was the Doobie Brothers. I am going to see them again in a few weeks. 

I have been a janitor, a worker in a ketchup factory, a roofer, a librarian, a management trainee in a plastics factory, customer service manager, shift supervisor, master scheduler, general foreman, and salesman.

Did I mention I once won 1,302 straight games of free cell? 


glasslass said...

And that's why were here because you are such a multi-talented individual. Jumping out of planes, no can do. Picking up a snake, non poisonous, and put them outside along with the spiders I relocate. That I can do.

Anonymous said...

omg! You're going to see the Doobie Brothers too!? I wanted to see Michael McDonald. I'm a huge fan. He's performing with The Doobie Brothers (whom Tallman was a fan of).

I'm very much looking forward to it.


Anonymous said...

It will be Sunshine's first concert too, with her new husband (don't tell anyone - that's a secret for now). I also have an extra ticket because I bought a cheaper 4-pack.


Joe said...

It was a Father’s Day gift for me.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and sooper sekrit congrats


Linda said...

What is free cell?

Cappy said...

And, you live in Indiana!

Joe said...

Free cell is a stupid computer game — a version of solitaire

Ralphd00d said...

Go Hotdogs!!

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