August 8, 2024

So it goes

The area kids are back to school. The temperatures are lower than the normal August scorchers. NFL preseason games are started. Fall is rapidly approaching. It won’t be long before I’m complaining about taking leaves. On the bright side, perhaps one of the networks will debut something worth watching every week. There will be no post season baseball for the Cubs barring a winning streak of historic length. Again. 

It is Thursday, I have faith I can hump it through yet another work week. I was talking with a buddy a few days ago. I admitted something aloud I had barely acknowledged myself; I think I could happily retire. Always before when I took a vacation I could not wait to get back to work. This time I’m having trouble getting motivated. This has never happened prior. 

Of course retirement is no option at all unless I want to live in an old van down by the river. I suspect I will work until I die. 


Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

I left you a little something on my front page.

Anonymous said...

Hmm... Your comment box looks weird. Maybe you're now being monitored by AI, and our comments are being transmitted to the junta.

Probably a better chance of that than "... perhaps one of the networks will debut something worth watching every week."

I gave up on that a couple years ago. I now have three TVs hooked up to free antennas, and I only watch reruns, while I eat.

I've seen the same reruns at least 10 times each, and it STILL beats anything they're offering in the mainstream in my opinion.

Meh. Who needs 'em? They're pretty gross these days anyway.


Joe said...

Man that’s about right Fuzzy

Thanks for the laugh

Ed Bonderenka said...

I'm 71 and still plugging away.
It pays the bills.

Jean said...

Try "Tulsa King" Sylvester Stallone.

Anonymous said...

Watched it already


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