August 15, 2024

Wednesday Afternoon

I got a text yesterday from a number I did not recognize. The text asked “Guess who this is?”

Being me, I responded “A wrong number.”

Yes, I crack me up.

A few minutes later I was sent a picture of an attractive young lady. 

I replied “Yep, wrong number.” 

I blocked her.

It was for the best. I wouldn’t know what to do with something younger than my daughter.  It was a scam anyway. The real caller was probably Ethel over at the nursing home looking to scam me for a few bucks. I have no illusions. I have seen both my reflection in the mirror and my bank balance.  

1 comment:

Greybeard said...

It wouldn't be so irritating if it was not some dude in Nigeria trying to get you to send money for naughty pictures... if it was actually some attractive young woman just wanting to establish a friendship with a surrogate Father.
I always ask, "Why do you want to be my 'friend'?"
We all know the answer to that question.

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