August 26, 2024

Weighing the options

I was walking through the Walmart parking lot last evening. A car drove past. The driver was all alone in the car and wearing a mask. 

Whatever. I’m not sure who is going to infect you in your own car.

Perhaps she has an autoimmune disease and is taking extra precautions as opposed to being a panic-stricken nut. 


slugmama said...

Or maybe she is a panic stricken nut.

Midwest Chick said...

Gotta agree with slugmama. We are ‘eh, whatever’ but given another chance those loonies will try to force them on us again despite all evidence.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

They can try.

Cappy said...

Midwest Chick - they're working on it around the clock!

glasslass said...

Ran into a very gaunt, unhealthy looking woman with a mask. I put that one in the cancer column.

Greybeard said...

Let her enjoy her feeling of security until she starts demanding you follow her lead.
"Let's roll!"

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