August 28, 2024

Where is the outrage?

A three year-old was murdered along with his stepfather Monday Night. It was the little guy’s birthday.

There were weeks of outrage and thousands marched in protest when a criminal died resisting arrest. Cities burned.

Where is the protest, where is the annger over the slaughter of an innocent baby?

Why isn’t there a cry of “enough!”? 

Someone in the community knows who did this. There should be enough people fed up, sickened, tired of it all to force the perpetrator to justice. 

Where is the outrage?how many tears have to be shed?


Linda said...

Birmingham, AL is outraged and planning to end the violence. There is someone, often as many as five or more murdered each week.

Anonymous said...

Do you feel immune? You won't be for long:

The fact that ANYONE would consider voting for these evil people is beyond me.


Anonymous said...

Indeed Freddie


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