August 19, 2024

You might want to read this standing up - you will be that excited!

 I’m late to the old blog this morning. I had the annual “it’s time to sign up for insurance and benefits” work meeting early this morning. As usual the meeting didn’t go well and remote users missed out on most of the content for technical reasons. I do on-line meetings multiple times a week without issue, HR needs to do it once or twice a year and screws it up every time. There is another meeting later this afternoon I will attend if my monthly sales meeting ends on time. That is a big IF. 

We separated out the automotive sales group and industrial sales group monthly meetings earlier this year in an effort to shorten the meeting. Somehow the discussion still goes two plus hours. If the  industrial meeting only goes two hours today I can still listen in on the benefits call. That will be three hours straight of on-line meetings. 

Some days it is good to be me. 

We had a great weekend despite dodging brief bouts of rain both Saturday and Sunday. We went to the granddaughter’s soccer game Saturday morning then to a concert Saturday night. We got wet, but so it goes. The concert was great. I am not sure why we don’t go to more shows. One of the better outdoor venues in the country is about 15 minutes from my house. 

Sunday I mowed the lawn and generally lounged around. 

I need to get a coffee refill — I’m off to the break room or what you probably call “the kitchen.”


Anonymous said...

We enjoyed the show too, especially the encore. The rain wasn't bad at all. Well worth the 2.5 hour drive.


Anonymous said...

Were you on the lawn or in the good seats?

I was happy because I dig Steve Wineood — especially the Traffic stuff and the old Doobie Brothers songs


Anonymous said...

We were on the lawn. I assumed you were in the good seats. ;) Of course, we forgot the umbrellas in the car. The rain wasn't bad though. Quick hit.


Anonymous said...

No we were on the lawn. Straight from center stage but pretty far back


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