September 20, 2024

A hard one

Rock music has been a constant backdrop in my life. When you look at the evolution of the genre over the past seventy years there are many artist who redefined music. 

Name your top five most influential artists/groups in rock and roll for this week’s Friday Five (and your reasons) in the comments.

It may be hard to limit yourself to five. I will even allow ten, if you give your reasons numbers 6-10 must be considered.

I look forward to the comments.


Jean said...

Eagles, Bonnie Raitt, Bette Midler, Jimmy Buffett...probably more that escape me now.
Why? Because I like 'em. Their music means/meant something to me at the time.

Anonymous said...

Still can't listen to music or really think about it. Still too painful.

But, here's something:

Democrats: Looking out for.... not YOU or me, as always.

Anonymous said...

ANYTHING for those fake votes!

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