September 4, 2024

A mere collection of words and phrases

It is chilly in the office this morning. Outside it is a mere 53F and inside it is cool enough I pulled on a sweatshirt. I was cold in yesterday’s shorts and T-shirt. Now I’m too hot.  Clearly, I’m in Goldilocks mode. I need the temperature to be just right. 

Need may not be accurate. Want is a better word. I want lots of stuff, but we all know what Mick and the boys said — you can’t always get what you want. 

I have checked, but I know I have a bunch of work emails waiting. My phone beeped alerts all evening. For once I ignored them. They will be waiting when I log on. 

I can hear the neighbor’s dog barking and barking. Why they cannot hear it is an enduring mystery. Perhaps they are in the shower. Maybe they are grabbing some morning nookie. It might be they are at a critical point in egg cooking. Perhaps they are mesmerized by Kamala Harris rhetorical skills. 

Ok, I crack me up. 

I think I have settled on the title of my next piece o’crap novel. I won’t share it because I’ve changed it five times already. It doesn’t matter anyway. It’s only half done with no prospect of finishing anytime soon. 

The good news it is Hump Day already! 

Have a great Wednesday.

What? You expected something substantial? You were sure you would be enlightened by words of wisdom and philosophical thought? You expected political analysis and keen historical insight? Is it your first time reading this blog?

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