September 17, 2024

All-time loser

Look, I could bore you with a local weather report (warm, dry) or I could send you snoozing with a soporific account of last night’s dinner (Mexican). I could launch a political diatribe. I might even opine on the second assassination of der Trumpster. 

None of that is going to happen. 

I know, but you will be fine.

Listen to this instead. It is the best song from their catalog:


Anonymous said...

Jesse Kelly @JesseKellyDC 54m
Jesse Kelly @JesseKellyDC 54m
"I wish people would stop calling what we have here 'communism.'

It’s not communism. The federal government is simply taking your money and handing it to immigrants for food and shelter while you struggle to afford eggs.

Does that sound like communism?"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mysterious second attempt to kill whom you-know-who don't like:

Democrats know nothing about these people? Riiiiight.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

I could bore you with the fact that it's my 24th wedding anniversary and we're going out for hibachi tonight.

Anonymous said...

Nice. Congratulations!🎉

Cappy said...

Happy Anniversary to you both.

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