September 24, 2024

And the winner is…

 Last week my old Keurig refused to pump coffee. I cleaned it and ran some vinegar through it and after a bit it started working. These things happen. I wandered downstairs mid-morning for my second cup of Joe yesterday morning and the machine refused to pump again. All I got was a serious of clicks accompanied by curses. The swearing was me not the machine. 

After dinner I ran down to the store and bought another jug of vinegar and tried to run it through. Nothing. I left it sitting all night, that usually does the trick. But this morning it still refuses to pump out even water. Disappointed does not begin to describe my feelings. I suppose I should not complain, that Keurig is around ten years old and is used every single day. 

I can grab a cup of coffee from the gas station down the street or I can go to the Starbucks about the same distance the other direction. I could drive down to Walmart and buy a can of coffee and brew a pot. Or I could just sit here and bitch about it to you while sipping leftover iced tea from last night’s supper for a caffeine fix. 

Here’s what I did…


Anonymous said...

Will Hoosierboy survive this impending Keurig disaster?!

Tune in tomorrow for the harrowing conclusion of...


Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

This sounds like the beginning of an internet recipe page.

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