September 15, 2024

Five best sports movies

 Here is my list of the best sports movies:


2. Bull Durham


4. Pride of the Yankees

5. Tin Cup or Breaking Away (tie)

Honorable mention: Major League

I welcome a rebuttal if your favorite is missing


Anonymous said...

You are missing Rudy and Brand Burelsworth Story

Anonymous said...


Matthew W said...

Duh !!
I didn't see that you had Breaking Away on the list !!!

Anonymous said...

Every time I watch Rudy I like it less. He is a whiner. The Brandon Burlesworth movie is very good, we caught it streaming a year or two ago

Anonymous said...

Brian's Song

Anonymous said...

'Bagger Vance' wasn't too bad. 'Invincible' was also pretty inspiring. "Chariots of Fire - that is an oldie from the 1980's. I'm not much of a sports fan.

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