September 8, 2024

High Hopes

It is an another chilly day to start the week. The always accurate weather people on the local news promise summer will be back with 90F temperatures later in the week. 

The grandgirls spent the night last night. We had a great time. We had Mexican from their favorite place for supper then came back and played games until bedtime.We are going to have fried biscuit donuts for breakfast. They like to help form the donuts.

The NFL is back in action today. Csn the Colts end a decade of opening day losses? I am not confident they can. So it goes. Life is better when your team wins, but it doesn’t really matter in the long run. 

I’ve been a life-long Cubs fan. I’ve come to expect a high level of losing in my favorite teams.

Have a great Sunday.


Anonymous said...

How 'bout those NIU Huskies?

Anonymous said...

Golden Domers got doomed

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Football, bah, humbug. The NFL is corrupt and woke.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Apple's weather app says highest temperatures for the next few days will be 85. Not 90+.

The weather guessers are just trying to keep up the glowbull warmerongering skeer.

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