September 6, 2024

Not the Bridges of Madison County

Way, way back when this blog was young I used to have a feature called the Friday Five. I created the definitive list of stuff and ranked the results. If I remembered correctly, you hated it. You did not comment anyway. Since what I really want is an argument discussion, lack of feedback made me let it die.

Until now. 

Yes, Dear Readers, I’m bringing back the Friday Five. I can feel your excitement. 

This week- the five best Clint Eastwood movies.

1. Outlaw Josey Wales

2 Pale Rider

3. Dirty Harry

4. High Plains Drifter

5. A Fist Full of Dollars

I’m not going to lie, I really like Every Which Way but Loose, Trouble with the Curve*, and Heartbreak Ridge. 

I suspect some of you will prefer Unforgiven. 

Make your arguments in the comments.

*This didn’t do well at the box office but I liked it. It’s a baseball movie.


Cappy said...

Dirty Harry, because I feel lucky.

glasslass said...

Ok, I'll start. For me it would be Fistful of Dollars. First spaghetti western. What's not to love with Clint Eastwood riding tall in the saddle and shooting the bad guys. I saw all the spaghetti's. And loved them all.

slugmama said...

Aren't the bridges in Madison County of Iowa not Indiana? I call state appropriation...if I was a woke clown. I agree with J. Wales and Dirty Harry should be #2. Didn't take to his spaghetti westerns and "Play Misty for Me" holds a Place in my heart.

Linda said...

I suppose I never saw the baseball one. Play Misty for me was great. I love westerns and Clint Eastwood movies.

Anonymous said...

Gran Torino (Get Off My Lawn !!) is one of my personal Top 5. Foxfire wasn't bad (suck it Tom Cruise). The Mule, Unforgiven and Two Mules for Sister Sarah.

Anonymous said...

Hah - Firefox. Damn I'm old. 1982.

Greybeard said...

I'll also take "Gran Torino", even though the young asian boy cannot act, followed by the three Spag Westerns.

Matthew W said...

Josey Wales is an all time favorite for me. Just wish it didn't have that ugly chick that can't act in it.
Love John Vernon in it as well

Anonymous said...

I really liked "In the Line of Fire"

Soper Road said...

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.

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