September 13, 2024

Not that one with the boxing kangaroo

I may have been doing this blog in the neighborhood of  thirty-seven years but that doesn’t mean I cannot make a few tweaks. 

For this week’s Friday Five I will solicit your input then offer my list later. 

What? I get to make the rules just because. 

What are the five best sports movies?

Let me know in the comments.

Look, it’s Friday the 13th, don’t temp bad luck by failing to participate. 


Midwest Chick said...

The Replacements
The Longest Yard
Hoosiers (have to put that one on there)
Bloodsport(martial arts is a sport and sport is in the title)

Cappy said...

Hoosiers and We Are Marshall are on the list.

Jean said...

37 years...?

Anonymous said...

Sports movies?! *rolls eyes*

Those are for boys. ;)

Only Girl Freddie

Anonymous said...

Sorry to be off topic. But, perhaps a nugget for any of your truth-shielded readers.


Anonymous said...

Interesting stuff. Of course it was rigged.

Trump has to get over his narcissistic ego driven mania over crowd size at his events


Anonymous said...

My boys loved Bloodsport. I’ve seen it more times than I can count. Frank Dux was full of crap, of course.

Or was he?


Anonymous said...

How nice to be free from laws, work, responsibility, and have other people pay for everything you need in life.

Be a "newcomer" and you're free to do/kill whatever you want.

And if you ask those responsible they'll just say, as always:

"WHAT are you talking about? That's not happening! ...But it's a good thing it is."


Anonymous said...

As long as it appears they vote demonrat, it's all good.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to bombard your blog like this. But I can't STAND the willful ignorance going on.

Our country will NOT survive 4 more years of this. And I'm not going to stay silent anymore. I believe that has cost me dearly.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps some hyperbole…

Anonymous said...

Last one, I promise (then I leave you to your cat ladies). Go ahead and think I'm crazy. At least I won't be responsible.

Do her supporters lie and flip flop as much as she does?

Best wishes, Joe.


Anonymous said...


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