September 11, 2024

On this day…

In 2001 Muslim fanatics attacked the United States killing thousands. 

Hamas  and their supporters cheered in the streets. 

Open borders and unfettered immigration is allowing who knows what potential terrorists into the country. 

Never forget. 



Matthew W said...

Are you sure they were "fanatics"?

Cappy said...

Never forget. Never forgive.

Rey B said...

23 years. Still angry.

Anonymous said...

That was a powerful read. Difficult, but powerful.


glasslass said...

I have too agree with Fred about the piece. Of all the documentaries and all the first person results this was one of the most powerful pieces I've ever read. Along with those pictures. I watched all morning and knew those were people jumping but that picture was heartbreaking and yes, very difficult to read.

dragonslayer said...

Members only link. Instant reverse!

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