September 10, 2024

That’s my money

There is one position Kamala Harris has yet to flip and flop on. Although to be fair she hasn’t flipped and flopped her spokespeople say she has, she’s not talking. That way she can go back to her far-left nut job positions as soon as she’s elected. Harris will anyway, she’s a lying politician just like the rest of them. Of either party.

Anyway, Harris will let the current tax cuts expire. Your taxes will go up. Yes, it wasn’t just the rich who got a tax cut when Trump was in office last time. You got a tax cut. Of course, in typical Democrat fashion they do not consider it a tax hike, after all, as far as they are concerned, you are just paying what they deemed was their money to spend all along. 

So while you are considering the 25% more you’re paying for everything, be prepared to roll in a tax hike in your budget. 

This isn’t an election about personalities, it is about policies..

It always is. 


Greybeard said...

The machine needs fuel.
The machine is thirsty.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

The machine is afraid.

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