October 26, 2024

Getting out in front

 In anticipation of the cries from those who do not understand the Constitution, we the people absolutely do NOT elect the President. Since our country is made up of a collection of States, those STATES elect the President. 

The number of “votes “ each state gets is apportioned based upon the individual state’s population. These are called electoral votes and the system was a compromise to ensure the states with smaller populations had a say-so in electing the President. Otherwise the largest states would dictate the election. 

The system works exactly as the founders envisioned. The last thing any of them wanted was a Democracy. 

That is why each state got two senators and the government of each state chose the Senator— they were to represent the State and the House represented the people. Too bad the progressives screwed that up by insisting senators be elected by popular vote. 

Now senators forget they represent the states and too many people fail to understand the difference. 

Before you cry about the electoral college learn some basic civics and history. 


Cappy said...

Learning is racist.

slugmama said...

Exactly! I've felt like a school marm in my comments section lately trying to "larn" some readers basic high school civics.
I also left a comment on another blog because she wants us to get rid of the Electoral College as that is screwing up the works. She thinks we are a democracy and not a republic too. You just can't fix stupid sometimes.

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