October 18, 2024

Well you ain’t nothing but a rabbit

So we find ourselves once again on Friday. I, for one am glad. I need a break. Sure I was just on vacation last week. All the more reason to be worn out. One should ease back into work after a holiday or vacation with half days or something. 

The real truth is I love my job. I also think after every vacation I could retire without looking back in regret at all. I’ve been working since I was thirteen. I’m tired of it. On the other hand there is that pesky mortgage and bills. I like to eat. A roof over my head would be nice. So yes, I will work for at least five more years. I want to be able to have those occasional vacations. So it goes. 

No Friday music today. No Friday Five. I suspect no one minds. 

I finally did a bit of writing in the second book last night. I’ve settled on a title and actually designed the front cover last week. Strangely enough my inspiration was a novel I picked up for free from Prime Reading. It had a moderately interesting plot but the writing was awful. I mean middle school bad. I kept reading in the same way one rubbernecks a car accident. 

 I only pray that the general opinion of all eleven of you who read my first novel wasn’t “okay story but lousy writing.” If so,  please tell me. Honesty is way more important than my feelings.

I fear embarrassment more than anything. Except snakes. And maybe spiders. But certainly snakes for sure. I’d rather not share my work than embarrass myself. 

Anyway, I got some inspiration and I spit out four or five thousand words. It needs fleshing out, but the plot is finally moving forward. I’m sure you were all concerned about my progress. 

Have a great day. 


Cappy said...

What if a snake reviewed your book?

slugmama said...

Many a snake(in human form)has written a book....spiders I don't know.

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