December 11, 2024

Fair Warning

I head for another eye surgery in the morning. The man is going to open my eyeball, cauterize the bleeder and clean out the accumulated blood blocking my vision. I anticipate no issues. I had to have the same procedure on my left eye about a year ago. 

There will be no post tomorrow. There will probably be no post Friday. I would put up a stupid music video, but YouTube is being a bitch and refusing to play unless you sign in. Neither of us is going to do that. I don’t care that much.

I’m pretty sure no one is going to lose sleep over missing a few posts around here. It’s not like you are getting much for your subscription price these days. 

I will resume blogging at some point. Probably.

I doubt the blog quality will improve with better vision. I’ll just be able to see the keyboard better as I type worthless words that entertain no one. 


Anonymous said...

Good luck with your surgery

Cappy said...

Recover fast and get back to writing soon.

Jean said...

Hope all goes well.

slugmama said...

I hope the procedure goes well and you get the rest you need to recover. Don't worry about us plebians. We'll be here when you are up to writing again. ;-)

Cheryl said...

Hope the surgery goes smoothly and your eyes improves.

glasslass said...

Good Luck and all that stuff and we'll see you when you decided to put fingers on the keyboard.

Anonymous said...

Ah; that's where you're wrong, Joe. Your words *do* entertain me! I look for them every day. However, I'm sure that I can survive your taking time out to recover from your eye surgery. Best of luck with the procedure! JKB

Anonymous said...

Joe, I hope that all goes well with your eye surgery. Rest and take care of yourself! We'll be waiting for your words when you feel up to writing again. Jackie in CA

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