February 2, 2025

Creepy Crawlers

Raise your hand if you ever got burnt by the Creepy Crawler Thing Maker.

That toy would never be sold today. 

I imagine I have dated myself. 

On a completely unrelated note I put no credence in the forecasts of a rodent, even if he is about as accurate as the weather lady on the TV. 

February 1, 2025

Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book?

I’m in a generous mood as we start out February. I’m sure you are bored and beset by the winter doldrums so I’m going to let you get my first novel at a ridiculous low price of just $0.99 cents for the e-book version. You can download a free Kindle reader if you don’t have one. I get a book sale and you get a few hours of meager entertainment to pass the gloomy February days. What a deal!*

You can Buy it here. Be sure to put up an honest review after you are finished. I’m a big boy, I can take criticism. I get it from my wife daily!😎. Just kidding.

As bonus I’m throwing some Saturday music. Does my generosity ever end?

*Act now, limited time offer. Get two for the price of two. Order for your friends. No stamps. Guaranteed to contain real words and sentences. May contain adult subjects. Keep off the grass. Obey all posted signs. Headlights on while wipers are working. No texting while driving. Loud music may damage your hearing. Clean up after your dog. Be sure and tip your waitstaff. Two drink minimum. Only you can prevent forest fires. 

**Ssle starts around noon EST

January 31, 2025

Girls as sharp as her are somethin' rare

 I’m up early this morning. I don’t know why, perhaps because I went to bed early…there may be a hidden pattern here. 

I’ve been reading this: https://cbs4indy.com/news/indycrime/court-docs-indianapolis-apartment-where-children-were-found-was-biohazard-mother-charged-with-murder-in-girls-death/amp/

If ever there was a case that screamed for cruel and unusual punishment, it’s this one. 

Anyway it is Friday and payday, so it is a good day. 

What? Why yes, I agree, let’s listen to some music.

I’m clearly getting old. I just want those girls to calm the heck down. 

January 30, 2025

California wants to take their ball and go home

 So the sore losers in California are  once again calling for succession. I was about to embark on an epic rant on the stupidity of such a notion when I remembered I already did back in 2016:

I find the idea that California wants to secede from the Union equally laughable. Let us leave aside for a moment that secession was settled some 150 years ago. If California were to secede then Social Security stops. Medicaid stops. There are no more food stamps or WIC programs, There are no more highway funds. There are no more drought funds. There are no military bases. No border patrol. The US would likely impose a tariff on California goods. The cost to import cars and oil, and manufactured goods into California would soar. California would no longer get electricity generated by dams in the United States. US dollars are no longer valid currency. California would have to establish its own currency. What do you think a California currency would be worth? The State is billions in debt. Who will back the currency? California would have to negotiate its own trade deals with China, Canada, Mexico, the EU, and OPEC.Go ahead and leave.

The sore losers in California cannot accept that they are out of step with a large portion of the nation. The secessionists are like petulant teenagers threatening to leave home. It sounds great until they learn they will have to pay for their own gas, insurance, cell phone, and clothing. Then mom and dad do not seem so unreasonable.

I think that about covers it.

Frankly that big earthquake cannot come soon enough.

January 29, 2025

Wayback Wednesday

I am coming up on 20 years of blogging. I agree, I don’t know why either. For no ther reason than nostalgia here is one of my first posts from March of 2005 (please note I did not claim it is good , just old):

March 24, 2005

Mighty Mouse lives in Utrecht!

So, we were in Utrecht, The Netherlands, Holland, whatever. We were in this little pub having a few beers. The place was dark, and a little dingy. It was off the canal, but the still in the City Center. They were playing classic rock, not the techno shit you usually hear in every drinking establishment in Europe. It was a juke box, but they were set up for a band. I guess they did not play on a Tuesday night.

This fat Hoosier was having a good time. The beer was smooth and going down fast. The bartender brought over a basket of snack mix to the table with another round of beer. Everyone dived in. The basket tipped and some of the mix fell on the floor. As the evening wore on, we probably dropped more bits and crumbs onto the scratched and dented wooden floor.

At one point I moved my foot and felt something move under my shoe. As I looked down I saw a little gray mouse scurry across the floor to a dark corner near the area where the band usually played. WTF? I was not sure I was seeing things correctly.

We watched, and sure enough a few minutes later here he came again zigging and zagging across the dirty floor for another nibble at our mix. That was enough for the female member of the drinking group. We left right away. After all, there were plenty of places to drink in downtown Utrecht!

January 28, 2025


I was watching the old Errol Flynn version of Robin Hood on HBO Max (thanks SIL) Saturday morning. Imagine my excitement when I perused the “you might also like” selections and discovered the streaming site has all of the original Jonny Quest cartoons! 

That adventure series was my favorite Saturday cartoon as a kid. I limited myself to one episode. Normally I binge the heck out of something I like. Not this time. I want to savor the awesomeness that is Race Bannon. But that damn dog drives me nuts.. 

January 27, 2025

Typical Monday Post

Monday. Back to work. 

Blah blah blah.


Blah blah blah


Blah blah blah 

Have a great day.

January 26, 2025

Passionate Lady Give Up Your Vows

I stayed up late watching Landman with the wife so I’m up a bit later than usual today. Of course 6:30 isn’t late for many people. I know what will happen, I’ll take a nap this afternoon probably while the first football game is on. 

I’ll be darned if I can tell you what I did yesterday. I hung up a picture for the wife, but beyond that I couldn’t tell you. 

There will be no weather report today. Look out your own window. 

I better drink some coffee before this thing takes a dark turn. 

Have a good Sunday.

January 25, 2025

Bless the Beasts

We got a dusting of snow Thursday afternoon and evening. I was standing at the patio door yesterday morning eating a dry Walmart brand apple danish looking at the myriad of animal tracks cross-crossing my patio. Rabbit, squirrel (or cat?) and tiny tracks that have to be chipmunk mingled in a trail from left to right in front of the door. Where are they going? Where have they been? Why is my patio an animal highway? Why does the rabbit huddle under one of the chairs and stare inside after dark? Pervert rabbits. 

January 24, 2025

The people have spoken

One more cold day before a slight warm up. I can live with that. 

I’m cracking up over the liberal wailing and gnashing of teeth. Get over it, America spoke. Remember that “Democracy “ you shouted about for four years? 

As far as the illegal alien thing, as I understand it, if you do not break the law (or hang with people who break the law) you will not have an issue. That seems pretty simple to me. Follow the same laws the rest of have to or face deportation. Pretty simple. 

The cops have never arrested me or come to my house because I don’t steal, do drugs, or worse.

You too can live a clean life. 

Well, they came to the house that time I got in a fight after school when I was 16, but only to tell me to knock it off. I never cared for my snitch of a neighbor after that, but that is a tale for another time. 

January 23, 2025

You are as cold as ice.

It’s been cold here. Really cold, but not unprecedented. I feel for the people in the south with temperatures in the teens and more snow than many have seen in their lives. I have a furnace and a warm winter coat. My house is insulated. 

For people who find fifty Fahrenheit chilly, eighteen degrees must seem unbearable. Most humans can take the heat, it’s the cold that gets you. 

January 22, 2025

Not in the mood


That’s me, Mr. Contradiction.

January 21, 2025

It’s a new day

I cannot help but laugh and point at people who celebrated when Biden appointed Msyor Pete to his cabinet then argue Trump’s nominees are unqualified.

January 20, 2025

No grasp of irony at all

 The senile old fool actually wrote this*:

Baseless and politically motivated investigations wreak havoc on the lives, safety, and financial security of targeted individuals and their families,” Biden said

The pardon of Mark Miley, who committed what any reasonable person would deem treason, is galling.

*or someone pretending to be the President did

I bet it’s cold at your house too

 It’s so cold the Tidy Bowl man is ice fishing in my toilet.

That’s a classic joke. 

What? I guess you have to be of a certain age to get it. Here:

January 19, 2025

Yesterday’s Post Today

For Christmas my daughter bought me a 23andMe DNA ancestory kit. I got my results Friday. To no surprise at all my ancestors were 99.3% European. The main contribution is 79% Scotch-Irish and 20.3% German. The Germanic part is from the Rhine River area which matches my research into my family tree. 

There is 0.6% trace DNA from Angola/Congo and North Africa. Somebody somewhere in my past had a little multi-cultural dalliance! 

Apparently I have 76% more Neanderthal DNA than other 23andMe customers. I have been accused of being a Neanderthal more thsn once in my life and now I can retort “yeah, so what?” 

The most interesting result was where they identify relatives (who have taken the 23andMe DNA test). I was randomly clicking on the map and a name and picture popped up. It was my college roommate! He is my third cousin once removed. What a small world. 

January 18, 2025

Always looking at the bright side of things

The Rolling Stones are playing in the background as I hunt and peck on the keyboard. Rain falls gently outside as the snow slowly melts into the semi-frozen ground and storm sewer. I’m told it is going to get cold - really cold - in the coming days. One only has to read through the almost twenty years of archives over there on the right to discover subzero temperatures are not unusual in January. 

I had an idea for today’s post as I prepared for bed last night. The topic floated away with my already forgotten dreams. It is okay, I’m approaching this conundrum with my usual buoyant optimism. Biden will be gone in days. Pitchers and catchers report for spring training in a few weeks. Spring is just over the horizon. 

Hey, I just remembered what I was going to write about! See, it is a good day.

What? No, I’ll put it in a separate post, I’ve already typed words and sentences enough for a Saturday. Besides, the wife asked me to go get donuts for breakfast. Maybe if I go get her some chocolate covered donuts she will do something nice for me. 

That’s not why I’m going, of course. But it never hurts to hold out hope. 

January 17, 2025

History recalls How great the fall can be


Friday music. Yay! Says you. 

I saw Supertranp live at the old Market Square Arena sometime in the early eighties. I’m sure they played this.

January 16, 2025

A little of this a little of that

 Happy Wednesday Thursday readers. Morning temperatures have finally started out in something above single digits and we may actually get above freezing today. It’s okay, it is nearly always cold in January. 

I had my annual review at work yesterday. I was rated well and fair by my boss. If I’m honest, he rated me about the way I would rate myself. 

I cracked up over Biden’s farewell address. He warned us about rich oligarchs and their threat to democracy one week after he gave the Medal of Freedom to George Soros. Does that senile old idiot even understand irony?

Today would have been my dad’s 87th birthday. I miss you Pop.

January 15, 2025

We are out of toilet paper!

The Maha Kumbh Mela, a Hindi festival that occurs once every 12 years has begun this week. Over the next six weeks, 400 million people (more than the total US population) will travel to Prayagraj in northern India to bathe in the confluence of rivers sacred to Hindus. Preparations have been extensive: Authorities have constructed 150,000 tents for a makeshift city, 145,000 restrooms, and 99 parking lots.  

Can you imagine the stink from that gaggle of crap houses? 

January 14, 2025

I’m sure it is some kind of privilege

A new company car should arrive this week. It will be the same as the last one. You don’t have to say it, I know how awesome it is to have someone give me a nice new car. When I get ticked off I have not had a raise in three years or that I did not get my earned bonus last year I remind myself that few companies are giving out cars these days. Most sales guys I know have to buy their own vehicle and get a monthly allowance to pay for it. 

There are advantages to the car allowance system. If you end up out of work you still have a car. You get paid significantly more per mile than you do in a company car (I pay for my own gas). 

Most of you are shouting screw you, I have to buy my own car and I don’t want to hear about it. I get it. 

January 13, 2025

City Mouse and Country Mouse

In the late nineties I went to work for a big company located on the East coast. My boss was from the Camden, NJ / Philadelphia area. I worked remote in Indiana and the company rented me an office. 

I lived in a small town of about 18,000 people in central Indiana. I found an office in an old building right on the town square. It was two rooms on the corner of the second floor. I called my new boss to tell him I found a place and advise the rent payment. It was cheap.

“It’s in an old office building right downtown,” I said. “There are only a couple of tenants, there is an old lawyer upstairs and some retail on the ground floor.” He asked about parking and I told him there was a lot with alley access behind the building. 

“Is it safe?” He asked me. 

“Well I suppose so. I didn’t ask if it was up to code or anything.”

“No,” he asked again more emphatically. “ Is it safe? Do you have to worry about crime?” 

I never felt more small town in my life. I laughed and explained that I had no worries walking around downtown. 

We all see things from a different perspective. 

January 11, 2025

We are all connected

Happy Saturday. We got about 3.5 inches of snow yesterday, nothing big at all. We have about a foot on the ground at this point. As I type the plow is cleaning the cul-de-sac. Unlike the major metropolitan Capital city to my south, we actually plow the streets here in Mudsock. 

I had to change my WiFi password yesterday. What a pain. Not changing, that was easy. Reconnecting my stuff is the issue. It is remarkable how much stuff I have that is connected to the web. I have everything from the TV to my Kindle to the various Eco devices to the thermostat and washer and dryer.*

My ancient first gen iPad refuses to join. So it goes. It won’t work with most websites anyway. 

Anyway, I have a few trmaodevices to tackle. Have a great Saturday.

*the washer and dryer notify the wife when they are done. Plus if you set the washer to a specific cycle, the dryer automatically sets itself to the same cycle, for instance if you choose “bedding”. I don’t know, the wife likes it.

January 10, 2025

The title could have been taken from the lyrics of a song

I’m getting senile. I put up a post featuring LA Woman by the Doors and a commentary on the  LA fires. I posted that music video just a few days ago. 

We are expected to get 2-4 inches of snow from the edge of the big winter storm slamming down the Mason Dixon line today. This storm will punch through Appalachia just as FEMA boots the hurricane victims from their government paid housing. Don’t worry, the Biden Administration just shipped off another $3billion or so to Ukraine this week. 

In a juvenile hissy fit I’m not going to post any Friday music at all since I already created a post and had to trash it. 

January 9, 2025

Is it really Thursday already?

 In a surprise to no one not in the thrall of the climate change cult it is cold outside this morning. Outside it is a frigid 6 Fahrenheit. Inside, a relative balmy 68 degrees. 

In other news, nothin’ comes to mind. Nothing I care to discuss anyway. I doubt you want to hear about dry skin, my beard, or what I had for dinner either. 

It was Mexican, Nosey Nellie.

One of my favorites:

January 8, 2025

Two more weeks

It is another cold morning here. I’m not surprised, it is January and single digit temperatures are not atypical. 

It sure looks like Joe Biden (or whomever actually runs stuff at the White House) is giving a gigantic “screw you” to America on his way out the door. Not only has he declared huge swaths of land and ocean safe from drilling our own oil, he has commuted the sentences of some of the worst criminals on Federal Death row. These are child killers and convicts who murder fellow prisoners. 

Are you aware Biden is letting terrorists go from Gitmo? Do you think those murderous scum have reformed? When more Americans are killed in coming years Biden can give a giant Urkel-like “Did I do that?”no he won’t , he is too self-righteous and senile to even grasp what’s going on.

Finally despite his pledge, he is moving to ban gas stoves and appliances. All in the name of the religion of Climate change. 

Spit.  This administration cannot go away fast enough. 

January 7, 2025

It’s been awhile

My old friend insomnia showed up this morning around 2:30 AM. I tossed and turned a bit before giving in to his insistent pestering. 

So here I sit relaxed in the office recliner sipping coffee and listening to music softly while surfing the interwebz. I’ll likely dose off in a bit. Or not. Maybe I’ll read a little. 

“But Joe,” you say, “why are you drinking coffee? Won’t that keep you up?” No little padawon , caffeine has little to no effect on my sleep cycles. It never has. It’s my brain that keeps me up. 

January 6, 2025

Drifting Away

There is still a bit of lingering snow falling. We got around six inches - real inches, not bragging teen boy inches - based on the layer on the patio table.  

I have yet to mosey out to shovel the drive and sidewalk. It’s okay, I don’t have anywhere to go today. 

The wind is supposed to kick up later. Drifts are going to be a problem. 

Edit. We have probably another inch this morning 

Edit Edit: the news says we got 8+ inches total

January 5, 2025

Ridin' the storm out, waitin' for the thaw out


We are supposed to get weather today. This tune may be appropriate, except we are just a bit east of the Rocky Mountains. Whatever. 

January 4, 2025

Mr Mojo Risin’

I’ve got nuthin’. 

I believe the outside Christmas decorations are coming down today. The house always looks blah after the holidays.

January 3, 2025

The state of government

I’ve said it before, my wife is level headed and not at all prone to a quick passionate response to events. She is not a political animal at all. 

We were discussing the NOLA terror attacks. I mentioned that now they think there were not any accomplices. “They are all liars,” she said. “I don’t believe anything the FBI or government says.” 

When you have lost my wife’s confidence, things are bad. 

January 2, 2025

A new day

Monday Thursday, a work day. The first of the new year. I could get used to work two days, get two days off. I expect the day to be slow, many customers and coworkers are off until next Monday. I will sort of coast into it. 

The weather woman says a big snowstorm is heading our way Sunday/ Monday. It has been a long time since we got a big snow, heck,  last year I’m not sure if I even had to shovel the drive. We shall see, the forecast will change a lot over the next several days. It is not time to panic and buy bread and eggs yet. I don’t even care for French Toast anyway. 

January 1, 2025

New Year 2025

 A musical interlude. Live it’s better than the original.

Consider everything here that is of original content copyrighted as of March 2005
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