Today marks twenty years I have been doing this stupid hobby. I thought I’d be at it a few months and be done. Instead I have formed many friends and had a lot of great conversations. Some of you have been here since almost the beginning: Jean, Freddie. Cappy, Ed, Fuzzy, Ralph, B. I’m sure I forgot many of you and I apologize. I bet there are even more that read and don’t comment. I read a lot of blogs who never know I lurk. Even those of you who might not agree with me brought me a great joy. I love a good argument. In recent years some of you have been great readers and friends too — Sluggy, Glasslass, MC, Linda -far too many to mention and I am very sorry.
I have been here for 8,387 posts. More than 20,000 comments and over three million visitors. I remember when I had six hits in a day and three were me checking to see if anyone read my garbage. And yes, a lot of my commentary here has been garbage. Occasionally I have put up something worth reading — the herd of monkeys in a room of typewriters theory.
You see kids, a typewriter is this old mechanical device…
Twenty years is a long time.
Thank you all for great fun and great memories.
And thank you for the reads, great or mediocre and the laughs too.
Congrats, my fellow Hoosier!
20 years. Man, we're gettin' old.
I admire your dedication, and I thank you for the reliable diversion in an increasingly insane world.
Congrats !!!!!!!!!!!
Here's 10 bucks. Keep posting.
What a great pleasure to have shared this ride with you, my friend.
This is just a joke: "I didn't know they had computer twenty years ago". OK. Joke over. I'm at 31 years and YES! They had computers back then. And AOL. How's that for memory lane?
31! I bow before you
I did not find you for years after I started blogging. The book was the best part. Thanks!
We are a community, a Tribe.
Happy 20th anniversary.
I read this yesterday and hoped against hope. Thanks for all my years. You were my first read of the day after Fox and by then I need this. I hope you'll have an urge to write again. I'm gonna miss you my friend.
Thanks everybody
You are not going away, buster!
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