January 18, 2025

Always looking at the bright side of things

The Rolling Stones are playing in the background as I hunt and peck on the keyboard. Rain falls gently outside as the snow slowly melts into the semi-frozen ground and storm sewer. I’m told it is going to get cold - really cold - in the coming days. One only has to read through the almost twenty years of archives over there on the right to discover subzero temperatures are not unusual in January. 

I had an idea for today’s post as I prepared for bed last night. The topic floated away with my already forgotten dreams. It is okay, I’m approaching this conundrum with my usual buoyant optimism. Biden will be gone in days. Pitchers and catchers report for spring training in a few weeks. Spring is just over the horizon. 

Hey, I just remembered what I was going to write about! See, it is a good day.

What? No, I’ll put it in a separate post, I’ve already typed words and sentences enough for a Saturday. Besides, the wife asked me to go get donuts for breakfast. Maybe if I go get her some chocolate covered donuts she will do something nice for me. 

That’s not why I’m going, of course. But it never hurts to hold out hope. 


slugmama said...


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