January 25, 2025

Bless the Beasts

We got a dusting of snow Thursday afternoon and evening. I was standing at the patio door yesterday morning eating a dry Walmart brand apple danish looking at the myriad of animal tracks cross-crossing my patio. Rabbit, squirrel (or cat?) and tiny tracks that have to be chipmunk mingled in a trail from left to right in front of the door. Where are they going? Where have they been? Why is my patio an animal highway? Why does the rabbit huddle under one of the chairs and stare inside after dark? Pervert rabbits. 


Linda said...

Maybe the rabbit wants inside.

glasslass said...

Give the rabbit a lettuce leaf of part of a carrot. It's probably hungry. You'll feel better the rabbit will be happy. Everyone wins. Dated a man who fed deer. They would come at the same time each day for their deer food. Nose prints all over the door from looking in.

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