January 30, 2025

California wants to take their ball and go home

 So the sore losers in California are  once again calling for succession. I was about to embark on an epic rant on the stupidity of such a notion when I remembered I already did back in 2016:

I find the idea that California wants to secede from the Union equally laughable. Let us leave aside for a moment that secession was settled some 150 years ago. If California were to secede then Social Security stops. Medicaid stops. There are no more food stamps or WIC programs, There are no more highway funds. There are no more drought funds. There are no military bases. No border patrol. The US would likely impose a tariff on California goods. The cost to import cars and oil, and manufactured goods into California would soar. California would no longer get electricity generated by dams in the United States. US dollars are no longer valid currency. California would have to establish its own currency. What do you think a California currency would be worth? The State is billions in debt. Who will back the currency? California would have to negotiate its own trade deals with China, Canada, Mexico, the EU, and OPEC.Go ahead and leave.

The sore losers in California cannot accept that they are out of step with a large portion of the nation. The secessionists are like petulant teenagers threatening to leave home. It sounds great until they learn they will have to pay for their own gas, insurance, cell phone, and clothing. Then mom and dad do not seem so unreasonable.

I think that about covers it.

Frankly that big earthquake cannot come soon enough.


Cappy said...

Well, bye!

slugmama said...

Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya, I say. You think they'd be begging for competent political representation because right now they have a dearth of it.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

I think the US military might have something to say about a state with major military installations seceding from the Union.

Also I suspect more than half the state would secede right back to the US.

But the bottom line is that we settled this hash back in 1865.

Anonymous said...

This is Jackie from CA, so I naturally feel a need to weigh in on this! :) :) First of all, not everyone in CA is a raving liberal. If you were to talk to random Californians, you would find that most are just regular people trying to pay the bills and live their lives. Of course the idea of secession is ridiculous; as Fuzzy Curmudgeon says, it was settled in 1865. No state, including California or Texas or any other state, can secede from the union. For the most part, I'm OK with our national political representation; nobody's perfect, and there are some I don't completely agree with, but that's par for the course.

Anonymous said...

"OK with..." ?!


I just can't anymore with this sh...

None so blind as she who won't see.

PLEASE stay in CA.

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