January 13, 2025

City Mouse and Country Mouse

In the late nineties I went to work for a big company located on the East coast. My boss was from the Camden, NJ / Philadelphia area. I worked remote in Indiana and the company rented me an office. 

I lived in a small town of about 18,000 people in central Indiana. I found an office in an old building right on the town square. It was two rooms on the corner of the second floor. I called my new boss to tell him I found a place and advise the rent payment. It was cheap.

“It’s in an old office building right downtown,” I said. “There are only a couple of tenants, there is an old lawyer upstairs and some retail on the ground floor.” He asked about parking and I told him there was a lot with alley access behind the building. 

“Is it safe?” He asked me. 

“Well I suppose so. I didn’t ask if it was up to code or anything.”

“No,” he asked again more emphatically. “ Is it safe? Do you have to worry about crime?” 

I never felt more small town in my life. I laughed and explained that I had no worries walking around downtown. 

We all see things from a different perspective. 


Linda said...

I lived in a town about that size. I felt safe enough I could walk in the middle of the night. However, elderly women warned me that Mexicans would rape me since I walked in the neighborhood, too. Finally, I turned to a teacher who lived one block down and asked her if she thought I was in danger. She laughed. "Of course not." This is probably the safest neighborhood, Historic District, in the US.

slugmama said...

Both Camden NJ and Downtown Filthadelphia PA are rat's nests of crime.(Why do you think they have suburbs?)lol Been there done that in Filthy and Newark NJ.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

I have to say that I love it when they tell me Indianapolis has a higher murder rate than years past and they then show me a "heat map" that places the vast bulk of the murders on the East Side, mostly north of Washington Street and south of 38th Street. Which is where the druggies and gang bangers ALWAYS have been.

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