January 20, 2025

I bet it’s cold at your house too

 It’s so cold the Tidy Bowl man is ice fishing in my toilet.

That’s a classic joke. 

What? I guess you have to be of a certain age to get it. Here:


Cappy said...

This is why I didn't join the Navy.

slugmama said...

It might hit 20F here and people are freaking out. 20F is nothing if you've lived up North. Heck it hits 50F here and they are walking around in heavy down coats, hats, gloves and scarves.....at 50F. One thing though, if it snows(on the rare occasion)I refuse to get in a car because these people down here have NO CLUE how to drive in snow(heck they drive like maniacs all the time!).

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