January 8, 2025

Two more weeks

It is another cold morning here. I’m not surprised, it is January and single digit temperatures are not atypical. 

It sure looks like Joe Biden (or whomever actually runs stuff at the White House) is giving a gigantic “screw you” to America on his way out the door. Not only has he declared huge swaths of land and ocean safe from drilling our own oil, he has commuted the sentences of some of the worst criminals on Federal Death row. These are child killers and convicts who murder fellow prisoners. 

Are you aware Biden is letting terrorists go from Gitmo? Do you think those murderous scum have reformed? When more Americans are killed in coming years Biden can give a giant Urkel-like “Did I do that?”no he won’t , he is too self-righteous and senile to even grasp what’s going on.

Finally despite his pledge, he is moving to ban gas stoves and appliances. All in the name of the religion of Climate change. 

Spit.  This administration cannot go away fast enough. 


Midwest Chick said...

Interestingly enough, two of the death row inmates housed in Indiana are fighting their sentence commutations. They say it harms their appeals.

Anonymous said...

I think one of the biggest F you-s they're giving us is the border wall material thing. Selling it off cheap so we have to buy it back.

It's the old: "Well, if we can't have you, no one can. We'll show you! By wasting EVEN more of your money and effort!"

So sick of being constantly robbed and damaged by these evil, useless, selfish toddlers.

Will there ever be ANY consequences for all the bullsh!t they've pulled, the lives they've destroyed, the lying, cheating, stealing -- the pain and misery they've caused?


Anonymous said...

Nope. Because the Rs are almost as bad as the Ds. They look out for each other pretending to be on opposite sides.

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