February 22, 2025

How it’s done

 Way back in the last century I was sitting on the bathroom floor, a toilet bowl across my lap, scraping the nasty, failed wax ring from the bottom. The wife came in with the cordless telephone (landline) in her hand. She said it was the HR manager from redacted company. 

I took the phone and absolutely nailed that job interview sitting right there on the bathroom floor cradling a toilet. After I hung up I finished fixing the lavatory.

I got the job. 

That, my friends, is compartmentalizing and I’m still very good at it. 


slugmama said...

How I wish I could compartmentalize better.
Of course you nailed that job. I wouldn't have expected anything less!

glasslass said...

Congrats on that job. But I wonder what triggered that memory?

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