March 10, 2025

Rambling Wreck

Monday. Blech. And I woke up way early. Not that I ever care what my neighbors think, but they must wonder when they see my office lights on at four aye em. “Does that old man ever sleep?” “Is he in the dog house again?” “I bet old Joe forgot to shut off the light.” More likely they don’t notice and don’t care. I sure don’t know nor care what they are about. 

The wife and I passed in the hall, she was going to bed as I headed to the kitchen to make coffee. I suppose we are not-at-all strangers passing in the night. 

It is supposed to get into the sixties this week. I should go out after work and rake the leaves in the backyard. The row of Bradford pears never drop their leaves until December and the yard is a mess of decaying soggy leaves. Or I could ignore them, mow them up in a few weeks and instead sit on the patio and have a cigar. Most likely I’ll take a Power Nap before dinner. 

We shall see what the workday brings. Last week sucked and Friday was especially busy, so who knows? I suspect Monday will be likewise hectic. I do know I will have to spend a couple of hours creating a ridiculous spreadsheet for one of my customers because the have no idea how to use their SAP system. I haven’t had to manually create a MRP report since about 1990 when I was a master scheduler. 

Yes, I know most of you have no idea what any of that means. MRP (material requirements planning) is how you manage your raw material and components to make something in a factory. Calculating how everything purchased and manufactured comes together in a timely basis to build the final product. 

Boy these weeds are deep. Let’s get out of them and just call it a post at this point. Happy Monday. 


Anonymous said...

Wanted to do SAP in the 90's but all manufacturing IT had left town. Rest of the career in banking IT. Phooey.

Matthew W said...

It was warm enough to clean the garage on Saturday, but too wet to rake leaves.

Linda said...

I had a neighbor tell me she missed a second story bathroom light being on all night for 20 years. I turned it off at night because there was no longer anyone in the upstairs living there with a need to find bathroom instead of fall down stairs with a misstep.

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