June 27, 2020

i need to win the lottery

I tried out the new Blogger dashboard for a bit. I hate it and switched back. The new dashboard will be mandatory soon. I’m not sure how a company can continue to push out updates that makes the platform less user-friendly. Earlier this year they got rid of spell check. This new update may push me to finish my participation in this nonsense once and for all.

 I know, old man...lawn...change...blah, blah. When a hobby becomes more aggravation than value it is time to stop.  And no, I’m not going to switch platforms. I had a blog or two on Wordpress for a while and hated their interface too. Yes, I spread my good cheer and words of wisdom in multiple places back in the heydays of blogging. If you didn’t know, you didn’t miss much.


Practical Parsimony said...

Okay, I will quit searching for spell check! Stick around and just keep spelling wrong! We won't care. I hope you win the lottery.

Cappy said...

I’m not sure how a company can continue to push out updates that makes the platform less user-friendly.

Hey, I was just in Indy. You buy me a beer, I'll spend all evening explaining the so-called reasoning behind how this happens.

Ralphd00d said...

I agree with you. At least most words I spell wrong still get a red underline, so I can look it up to correct it.... or rephrase it. I am not going back to Live Journal though.... what a mess.

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