April 23, 2005

Saturday is here

What a Friday. As you could probably tell from the last post I was in a foul mood yesterday.

I tried again to make my oldest boy understand that we can not let him have a car to go hang with his hoodlum friends because
1) He wrecked one of our cars and we do not have an extra one until it gets back from the body shop.

2) He is grounded because of his midterm grades. Little/NO effort = bad grades. This concept seems simple to me, but beyond a 16 year old's understanding.

Like most of the eastern half of the country a big storm front moved through yesterday evening -- tornado warnings, lots of hail, thunder and lightning. Copious amounts of rain fell.

Now it is cold out. It was 80 degrees on Tuesday and in the low 70's yesterday. Today the high will be in the low 40's with SNOW possible tonight. WTF? I am supposed to have baseball practice with the little one this morning. I am sure the fields will be either flooded or a muddy mess. Plus it is friggin cold. I rarely say this 'cause I love baseball, but I hope I can convince my fellow coaches to cancel.

I have to work the post prom this evening(or I should say tonight), and boy I am thrilled (can you just feel the dripping sarcasm?). Oh well, as long as the daughter has fun.

Have a good weekend.

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