July 1, 2005

229 years and little has changed

The founders of our great Nation were geniuses. The were far better educated than those of us who learned at the hands of public schools. Contrary to what Judges and a some liberals say, the founding documents are clear and concise in language. Each July 4th I take time to read the Declaration of Independence. It lays out the reasons and grievances that led to war with one of the Superpowers of the time. A quick study of history leads to some interesting issues. Here are some of the provocations that led to the Revolution:

One of the biggest issues was the hated Stamp Act. The King decreed that citizens had to pay a tax (or fee) for government documents and copies. Have you tried to get a building permit? Read this and think about Sam Adam's response.

The issue that sparked the conflict on April 18, 1775 was the Government trying to confiscate guns. I am sure I do not need to cite current examples.

Onerous taxes -- the "tea tax" was 4%. This sparked one of the most famous acts of civil disobedience in our history -- the "Boston Tea Party". Today approximately 40% of our pay goes to taxes of one sort or another. Chicago has just raised the sales tax to 9%.

The Government repeatedly occupied and took personal property without just compensation to the rightful owners. Turning that property to another private person only acerbates that issue. The SCOTUS just allowed the government to do just that. This abuse has been occurring long before, especially in the West, where land has been confiscated by the Feds as "wetlands".

The King forced local legislatures to accept his decisions, and laws, even when it was not in the individual colonies best interest. How does this differ from federal standards and laws that are mandated to the states? Want highway money - change the drinking age. Unfunded mandates are strangling local and state government.

The biggest grievance of the Colonies stemmed from the practice of parliament handing down laws and regulations to the Colonies with out colonial representation. Look at the "laws" issued by the IRS, EPA, OSHA and others that were never voted on by our elected representatives.

I am not calling for a revolution. We should just think, on this most important of Holidays what our Founders thought a true just and perfect Government should be. I think we have lost our way a bit, but we can right this ship.

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