July 3, 2005

I am not a very smart man...

Hollywood is in a panic because Movie Theater attendance continues to decline. Despite the release of big name movies like Star wars etc, people still are not heading to the movies. Here in my humble opinion are some of the reasons:

Many recent movies are cinematic turds. They are just bad movies, they are what would pass for Movie of the Week fodder 20 years ago.

It has become too expensive to go to the movies, for a family of four to Go to the flick, have popcorn and cokes, you are looking at more than $50. This is really cheap compared to metropolitan theaters in the big city.

Why pay to go to the movie, it will be on video in 2 months or so. $3 bucks and you can watch repeatedly.

People do not have manners at the theater any more. They think going to the movies IS like renting a video. They talk, comment, take cell phone calls, run around and make a total nuisance of themselves. The concept of sit and shut up and watch the movie is foreign to a generation raised with VCR and DVD players. Miss what happened? -- just rewind. Who wants to pay $6 to $10 to go to a movie that you cannot hear?

That is just a few reasons why people are going to the movies. Now one of you big studios owes me About $100 grand in consulting fees. E mail me and I will let you know where to send the check.

HB out

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