July 23, 2005

Red State / Blue State

In the Post below, one of my favorite commenter named Breezy made some comparisons regarding Blue States and how we "Red Staters" were screwed without the blue staters. For one, If she thinks only Harvard provides a quality education, I hope she checks out the diplomas of her Doctor, her Lawyer, and her accountant. The odds are pretty good none of them graduated from Harvard. I think it would be wise to point out to them that their education was lousy, Breezy. See, I believe that "red states" can also provide quality education. More astronauts have come from Purdue than any other school. Rose Hulman is one of the best engineering schools in the country. Have you heard of Notre Dame, Duke, or Brigham Young?

Breezy, (are you called this because you are filled with hot air?)did you know that 4 out of the five states with the highest graduation rates are "red"? Are you aware that Blue States account for almost 70% of all unemployment claims? Are you aware that 8 out of the ten highest cumulative tax rates are paid by Blue States?

As for what we will be missing let us take a closer look:

85% of all farm land is in Red States. It is even more if we look by county. We have the great lakes, you get the Mississippi Delta. We have nearly 100% of the farm land, including your precious lettuce farms. We have the pigs, the cows, the chickens. We have the corn, the soybeans, the cotton, the wheat and barley. I can live without pineapples from Hawaii. We have nearly all the natural resources including oil, natural gas and coal. You would have a neat source of green energy in wind power except your hypocritical, NIMBY politicians "Swimmer" Kennedy and "I was in Vietnam" Kerry refused to let the wind power generators in.

I guess I can live on French Wine. Heck, I like beer better anyway.

I am most bothered by your view that any state not in New England or the Left Coast has anything to offer. We have quality of life, baseball and football. We have plays and symphonies. There is professional ballet company within 30 miles of my home. New York and LA are listed as two of the 30 most polluted cities in the world. I do not have to fear being murdered for 20 bucks, I am not approached by panhandlers. There are not drug needles on the street in front of my office.

We Red Staters grow your food, build your cars and appliances, make your clothes. We are the majority. You will just have to get a grip and face reality. The country no longer buys into your liberal crap.


Anonymous said...

Oh, jesus. Seriously. First, I cant believe you dedicated an entire post to little old me. Hee hee. Second, IT WAS MEANT TO BE FUNNY!!!! I think you forgot to install the humor software into your system.

Joe said...

I have plenty of time on the weekends.

I enjoy a good debate

You may have been joking, but MANY liberals actually believe that tpye of thing (read the DU).

Have a good weekend

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