June 26, 2006

I feel like all I do is rant...

The New York Times has again done all it can to destroy our efforts on the war on terror. Nothing has changed for this left wing - hate ANY Republican President - hire liars and plagiarist as reporters - piece of toilet paper rag since they published the Pentagon Papers. Releasing classified documents that hurts our nation is the MO of this paper. Hide behind the First Amendment, then abet treason is nothing more than we should expect.

I find it funny the NYT freaked about about the Plame "leak" even though it was public record she worked for the CIA, yet this same paper covers up truly devastating leaks. The number of people that knew this bank probe was going on are few. I say we grill the Intelligence Committee members and staffers. If we find that one of our elected officials leaked this information, in violation of an oath of secrecy, the offending person(s) should be publicly executed. I am not kidding.

Listen, if you are not calling or receiving calls from the Midwest or from known and suspected terrorist, you have no fear the "Government" is listening to your calls. If you are not sending or receiving funds from the Midwest or from suspected terrorists, the "Government" is not examining your bank records. The same liberals who are screaming about intrusive government in the War on Terror seem to have no issue with drunk driving and seatbelt checkpoints. Can anyone explain that logic?

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