June 1, 2006

Thirsty Thursday

My disgust for all things political has reached the boiling point. A Congressman has been apparently caught taking bribes. These swarmy politicos can only complain because the law enforcement searched his office for incriminating evidence, using the same procedures they would for you and me. Our forefathers envisioned a citizen legislature, not lifetime career politicians. These asshats believe they are a priveledged class, they exempt themselves from employment laws that burden our nation's businesses. Now they think they are above the same laws as the rest of us?

These same politicians refuse to do the nation's will and protect our borders, punish employers of illegals, and close our borders. The President claims he is devoted to fighting the War on Terror, yet leaves our borders open for those hell-bent on destroying our country to enter through the back door. We stop Americans from carrying nail clippers onto planes, yet let anyone with cash and a gun come in through the back door.

The President says we should use English, yet the AG says that forcing such a law is unconstitutional and denies equal access. WTF? I guess the Germans, the Chinese, the Italians, the Poles and Czechs were all smarter than the Mexicans? The former ethnic groups and immigrants all managed to learn English and contribute to society without the benefit of ESL, free court interpreters and all government documents done in their native language. In my local Elementary school we have Japanese, immigrant children from India, Chinese, and Mexicans (Spanish or Hispanic -- calling them Mexicans is an insult I am told). The school newsletter is published in English and Spanish. I guess the other immigrants can manage in English, because I do not see a version in Chinese, Hindu or Japanese. Only the Spanish-speakers demand exceptions. Fuck them all I say. I was not raised to be a bigot -- but the circumstances of life are pushing me that way.

I am disillusioned. The Democrats and Republicans only want to have power, even if they destroy what is good about our country in the process. The media is a willing accomplice. A third party has NO CHANCE of being elected. Our only hope, and it is slight is to again push for term limits, to vote out EVERY SINGLE INCUMBENT. Of course, the elite have made it nearly impossible to vote out the incumbent -- thanks McCain!

I am not a doomsayer, an alarmist. I am a student of history. We are in the days of the fall of the American Empire. Not in my lifetime, but the American Ideal has been corrupted and destroyed. Jefferson and Adams would be dismayed at the state of our Government. I guess it was to much to ask that we have Representatives who serve and vote for the best interests of the Nation, not the party. Washington, the consummate politician of his day foretold the devastating effects of political parties. We did not heed. Of course we do not learn that history in the schools of today.

Before us, only the Romans had a greater effect on the societies of the world. The Romans dominate the globe militarily, politically and culturally. The Roman coin was the currency of commerce. Roman dress and entertainment was the vogue in the far corners of the Empire. The might of the Roman army was evident from Britain to Germany to Persia to India to the Sahara of North Africa and all points between. Until Rome began to fill the army with foreigners, the might of Rome was unequalled for a millennia.

Today America stands supreme. Our military is dominant. The dollar remains the world currency. Our culture, our movies, our music dominate the world. Yet like the Romans our Senators (and Representatives) believe they are part of a "ruling class" and are above the law. Many in this nation who vote agree. Polls tell us many think the Kennedy's are above the law, Representative Jefferson from La believes he is. Corruption and self interest are poisoning the democratic process. We are actively recruiting in Mexico for our military (bet you did not know that). There have been instances where our troops cannot function in battle because the orders are given in English, yet the soldiers speak only Spanish.

Today I give up. I hang my head in despair. The country I love is on a path of destruction, and I do not know how to stop it. I am in retreat. Tomorrow I will gather strength, and begin to fight anew, but for today -- I give up. The fight is too hard, the forces arrayed against me are too strong. Love live America.

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